Sam Bakhtiar is the Co-Founder of Camp Transformation Center that has impacted thousands of lives and grown to many locations with a vision of becoming a household name globally.

From 1-1 personal training to expanding their offerings to group training which proved to be very affordable, they decided to expand into other areas and people liked the model so much that they decided to franchise this concept which proved to be successful.

Being raised by a single mother, Sam immigrated from Iran to Pennsylvania, America after a series of bombings and fearing for their lives, his mother decided it was best to leave the country for a better life. 

After not making the cut for the basketball team, Sam went to the local boys club after his mother told him that he should start training and try out again the following year. 

However, Sam was fascinated by the people training at the gym and their physiques which inspired him to train to become a Champion Bodybuilder.