Green Home Coach, Marla, inspires and educates about how homes can be part of the solution through green and sustainable actions, whether it’s a few green practices in an existing home or remodel or a whole new green home. Her work creating an online owners’ manual for green and greener homes,, paved the way to sharing how green practices and homes help people – in all walks of life – to have safer, healthier, more comfortable homes. Her mission is to empower people to live better lives and be part of the solution for our future by taking action in their own homes.
Marla is the author of Living Green Effortlessly: Simple Choices to a Better Home from NAHB Builder Books. She founded and co-hosts the Green Gab Podcast, on iTunes, 2 Guys Talking Podcast Network and Her blogs and articles can be found on Green Home Coach, Elemental.Green, Proud Green Home, Green Home Builder, Building Women, Natural Awakenings and The Healthy Planet.