I have lived my entire life not knowing who my biological father was. I was raised by my single mom along with my half sister. At age 11, my mother was killed in a car accident (which I was also seriously injured in). My mother never had the chance to give me enough information to find my biological father. Almost seven years ago, at the age of 33, I took an Ancestry.com DNA test to learn about my heritage. It was very fulfilling, and I felt a peace inside of myself about who I really was even though I didn’t have any closely related matches.
A year later, a cousin Matt showed up as a match for me on Ancestry.com. It turns out, his uncle (his mom's brother) is my biological father. This channel documents the beginning of a new chapter in my life. I hope you will join me on the emotional journey where I discover my biological father. Please like and subscribe!
Updated 1/6/23