Hello! Welcome To My Diary Animated 😍
My Diary Animated is a YouTube channel that turns real teenagers’ stories into animations. Our team aims to create a strong and safe community for teens where they can share their emotional, awkward, heartbreaking, most importantly, REAL STORIES with the world.
All content in this channel is owned by SCONNECT
#WOAStory #StoryTime #animatedstories
About us
β–Ί Website: https://woanetwork.com
β–Ί General inquiry: [email protected]
β–Ί Business partnership: [email protected]
β–Ί SCONNECT website: https://s-connect.net
β–Ί Second English channel: https://go.woanetwork.com/WoaStoryTime
β–Ί Vietnamese channel: https://go.woanetwork.com/BuonChuyenQuanhTa
β–Ί French channel: https://www.youtube.com/@WOAHistoireAnimeeFrench/videos
β–Ί Spanish channel: https://www.youtube.com/@WOAHistoriaAnimada/videos