My name is Nick Ager, I started “GrowingBackToEden” back in 2015. I have been an avid gardener for as long as I’ve been walking, heck even before that my mom remembers me crawling into the neighbors yard and picking seeds off her flowers and crawling back and planting them behind the shed! Farming and gardening has been a part of who I am all of my life! I definitely believe whole heartedly that this is what God created me to do and I am beyond blessed to not only have such a great passion for it, but to know my purpose at such a young age! I’ve consulted for folks all over the country! Worked with / along side so many well known leaders in the regenerative agriculture “movement”, and even had the blessing of living with Paul Gautschi for 4 seasons! Paul was / still is like a dad to me and I wish I could still be there but God has a lot of plans for me and for right now he lead me away out of WA state and all over the country over the last year, but now I’ve settle in Florida!