I can recall a time when my mother and I were just immigrants in California, picking up alliumin cans for money. The racism we faced on a daily baises, growing up with a diffrent outlook then most kids. It’s a journey isn’t it?

Life is a trip.

On this platform you'll see myself building from the ground up, a collection of edits, short films, and music from some incredible artists I value with my heart.

Expect to see movements and moments captured within communities that have shaped my life.

As a DACA recipent I am refered as a dreamer. As I navaigate into artistic spaces full of colorism, anti-blackness, and anti immigrant undertones I hope you make the connections I do with my art...

Simply put... I'm not your everyday kid who has met overwhelming support to my craft, like many things theres levels to it..

Gracias PORVENIR...