Hi. I am a generally happy person who enjoys laughing, making others laugh, and helping others to find comfort and understanding. * PEACE * LOVE * JOY *

People are inherently good ~Joy L Anderson

Life is most valuable when we share and accept love, peace, happiness, and hope. Building walls and traps to keep others away is no way to be happy. Those things give a false sense of safety from fear, but also stops progress and the ability for happiness, love, peace, and hope to make its way in and plant root. Unless you're severely abused, consider tearing down those walls. Find your inner strength. Sometimes it's our own fear of someone else's opinion or possible behavior that is actually what tears us down, and not so much the people who we don't understand.

Misgendering children is child abuse.
Tearing your family members down out of malicious elation is abuse.
Purposeful Parental Alienation is Abuse.
Provocation without cause is abuse.
Don't be a jerk. Stop being abusive.