Hi! My name is Matt, and I am a Reiki Master and Frequency Healer, and use both techniques to bring rich, relaxing, and deeply transformative healing through channeling soothing sounds and Divine Love. I believe that we are all connected, to each other and all of life through Source and its unconditional Love. Through this powerful connection we are able to draw healing energy directly from Source to wherever we need it most, for our greatest and highest good. Watch one of my sound baths to rest and restore your energy, balance and clear your chakras, and cultivate the resilience and inner strength you need to take on life's challenges, be more effective in your communication and relationships, and deepen your feelings of connectedness to others and all of life. You can also watch one of my Reiki videos to receive on-demand healing to wherever you need it in that exact moment, whatever need or situation. Welcome to Spirit Pond!