In this channel, the guitarist plays and teaches the best of the international guitar setlist, prioritizing:

1. FIDELITY: The way in which the songs are actually played by the artists, this means you find the original solo shapes;
2. ONE GUITAR ONLY: Valuing every detail and arranging if necessary so that everything can be played on just one guitar;
3. CLEAN TABS: Develop clear and objective tablatures so that the reader can reach the same result more easily;
4. POSSIBLE TONE: Demonstrate that every song can be played on a single guitar while maintaining the expected tone;
5. HONOR ARTISTS: Play with the backing tracks of the original recordings so that all channel monetization is directed to the owners of the songs.

Because I create videos with the original audio and vocals, 100% of the monetization goes to the song owners. Therefore, it is only Patreon supporters who keep this work going.