Welcome to the VCRS (Video Clip Revival Studios). Established in 2007 the VCRS is a “music” channel that features enhanced audio music video clips. Clips that were initially made for an Australian based mobile Video DJ company known as WAVES.

Since its inception the uploading of new material, even though customized, has been difficult and was placed on hold due to questionable copyright and censorship policies. It's evident though, based on the high number of subscribers to this channel, that there's a definite interest and demand from fans for continued access to this material.

Hence with an established catalogue in 2022 of well over 10000 clips the VCRS is pleased to announce that we are now streaming live Music Video Clip DJ mixes (at least twice a week) via our associated Twitch TV channel... https://www.twitch.tv/videodj. To access simply follow the link, register for free and follow the channel. Upcoming events and themes can also be located in the channel schedule.