Capt.S.S.Chaudhari is an Indian Merchant Navy Captain with 45 years of experience including 29 years of teaching and training professionals. He commanded ships from 1990 to 1994, whereafter he said quits to sailing and started his teaching at L.B.S College of Advanced Maritime Studies and Research.
He has experience in maritime teaching at various levels up to Extra Masters. For several years, he had been in the panel of examinations by MMD. He has also been a faculty and examiner of the Extra Master’s course. He was also associated with the examination of B.Sc Nautical Sciences. He has been the principal of M.M.T.I. Dehradun, from 2014 till 2019.
During the 29 years of teaching, he has written several books. Chartwork, Celestial Navigation, Ship Stability, Cargowork, Navaids, Ship Construction (Vol I & Vol II), Legal Knowledge for first mate and many more. He believes in sharing his knowledge with the fraternity.

For any questions, reach out to him at