This channel is exclusively for recorded videos in Indonesia.
- Recording, Editing and Uploading by MS. SACHIKO from Japan
- Recording Gear : Canon ivis HF G40 with exclusively external mic

*** ATTENTION!! *** Recording and Uploading is not my job but just hobby so I will never receive request for it. PLEASE DO NOT send comment or message like UPLD DONG, ADA GAK VIDS XX? or TUNGGU VIDS NYA XX. Thank you for your understanding ***

Also you can watch my videos on following other channel.
MostlyJazzJKT / ShowcaseIndonesia / SuddenJazzJKT / JazzSpotJKT/ maliqmusicjapan / GBSjapan

このチャンネルは、インドネシア国内で行われたライブ、コンサートで撮影されたビデオ専用チャンネルです。Other Channel of @Senang0906より別のアーティストの映像もご覧いただけます。