🇬🇧 Hello guys! 🙋‍♂️ I'm Beldon Huang, a Media and Culture undergraduate from Lancaster University. Here on my channel, I help you summarise talks, mainly from TED, in a simple, concise way, so that you could easily understand the most important bits of the talk, as well as to provide my own opinions of it that not only could help you to form your own opinions, but also give you tips on creating a quality of life that leads to a successful and contented way of life.

Any questions that you would like me to answer, or talks or books that you would like me to do? Just leave a comment below ;)

Thanks for watching!

🇹🇼 大家好! 🙋‍♂️ 我是Beldon Huang,一位蘭卡斯特大學的媒體與文化本科生。 在我的頻道上,我幫助你以簡單明了的方式總結主要來自於TED的演講,讓你輕鬆理解演講中最重要的部分,並且提供我自己的觀點。這不僅可以幫助你建立自己的觀點,而且我還為你提供有關提高生活品質的提議,從而在生活中獲得成功和滿足。

有任何問題想要我回答或是想要我討論的演講或書嗎? 歡迎在下方留言 ;)
