Welcome to TAKE A DEEP BREATH, My name is Mike Maher, I am a breathwork instructor, podcaster and researcher of the breath. I have studied many modalities and I am proud among other things to be an Oxygen Advantage Master Instructor.

On my channel here you will find a huge variety of Breathing Exercises for Health, Relaxation & Motivation. We also host #Breathcast which is a dedicated Breathwork Podcast where we interview the world's top breath and health experts.

Breathwork is where you consciously alter your breathing pattern to achieve a set of results such as helping you to relax, raise your energy, increase your immune system, change your state of consciousness or calm your parasympathetic nervous system.

Breathwork has been a key component in Yoga for centuries, now with the help of people such as Joe Rogan & books such as the Oxygen Advantage, breathwork is part of mainstream society.