Multi-award winning artist Perpetual Awele Atife also known as Perpie is an active saxophonist, singer and songwriter/composer based in Canada. With three Sold Out concerts in Canada, her love for music and community combines to feed her creative and performance energy on stage as she grows in the live music scene. With mild influences of Jazz, Classical, Afro-beat music of Fela Anikulapo Kuti, Country and folk music, she has created a very unique sound that pierces through emotion leaving you both refreshed and uplifted. For her, music is vital for connection, healing, sharing and living. With her very first EP Meditation' available on Apple Music, she experimented with vocal and instrumental music as two different expressions. With her upcoming 2022 Debut Album, she has merged both worlds, including spoken word to provide a more wholesome experience.
IG I FB @perpiesoul