The Online Fan-Made Movie theatre for U, Viewers and fans!
See over 50 Video-Game and creative films available now for
viewing on YouTube...
Movies are star-rated in the likes of the old version of Shaw
channel cable. The stars range from * through * * * * and they
can be seen in descriptions of particular films with detailed
playlists. There are no half-stars in the old 'Shaw' cable, so . . .
Approximately, movies with or without complete available
bonus features are star-rated based on more likes on an
film's episode. It doesn't have to be all episodes. If there
are only dislikes, * . If there are more dislikes than there
are likes, still * and vice versa: * * * or * * * *. . .
* * if episodes have greater number of balanced likes
and dislikes. All of this star-rating stuff is inter-
changeable anytime. ; )