The Quran is believed by many Muslims to have healing properties, both physical and spiritual. Muslims believe that the Quran is a divine source of guidance and wisdom, and that reciting and reading its verses can bring comfort, peace, and healing to the mind and body. There are many verses in the Quran that are believed to have healing properties, and these are often recited as part of Islamic healing practices. For example, Surah Al-Fatiha, the opening chapter of the Quran, is often recited as a form of healing, as it is believed to contain powerful blessings and supplications. Other verses, such as those that mention the names of God, are also believed to have healing properties, and are often recited for this purpose. Additionally, Muslims believe that listening to the Quran being recited, especially in a beautiful and melodious voice, can have a calming and healing effect on the mind and body. Overall, the Quran is seen as a powerful source of healing and comfort .