Do YOU enjoy games like Dragonball Fighterz, Mortal Kombat 11, or Super Mario? Are you a fan of Fighting Games, Platformers, or Indie Games? Well you are in the right place.Here you will find Lets plays, Reviews on games, and reactions to the latest gaming news so that you can stay in the know as well as getting hype for games that are on the horizon . If you are wondering Is this game good? or Is this game fun then you will find the answers to your questions here! Along with having a blast and brightening up your day. So drop by and have a conversation. We are all here to have a good time and support the things that we love.

I am an avid platfomer and fighting game lover. No matter the size of the game I am there. Learning combos and strats right along with you and tweaking things to make them as cool looking as possible. If you cant enjoy what you playing then should you even be doing it?

This channel is not for kids. It is for Those over the age of 16.