The names Nick and I (puts sunglasses on and has a dramatic zoom in) post videos.

Wait, that isn't enough information for you? Alright, I'll tell you a little bit about me. I love video games, music, and movies, and would probably be considered a huge nerd. But that's cool, so long as I can still watch Invader Zim and SGT Frog ^_^. Oh yeah, and some people would probably call me gay for saying what I just said but guess what, I'm not. But you probably have a self confidence problem if you jump to conclusions like that to make yourself feel better!

Below is a list of my favorite games and the system its on.

Favorite games - System
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - Sega Genesis
Altered Beast - Sega Genesis
Goldan Axe - Sega Genesis
Moonwalker - Sega Genesis
Nights - Sega Saturn
King of Fighters '97 - Sega Saturn
Sonic Adventure - Sega Dreamcast
Jet Grind Radio - Sega Dreamcast
Sonic Adventure 2 - Sega Dreamcast
Super Mario World - Super Nintendo
Super Metroid - Super Nintendo
Super Castlevania IV - Super Nintendo
Golden Eye - Nintendo 64
Super Smash Brothers - Nintnedo 64
Legend of Zelda - NES
Super Mario Bros. - NES
Gradius - NES
Super Mario Bros. 3 - NES
Metriod Fusion - GameBoy Advance
Halo 3 - Xbox 360
Grand Theft Auto 4 - Xbox 360
Gears of War 2 - Xbox 360
Call of Duty: World at War - Xbox 360
Counter-Strike - PC
Grand Theft Auto 2 - PC/Playstation
Final Fantasy IX - Playstation
Final Fantasy Tactics - Playstation
Rayman - Playstation
Crash Bandicoot - Playstation
Castlevania Symphony of the Night - Playstation
Twisted Metal - Playstation
Kingdom Hearts I & II - Playstation 2

I highly recommend you play any of these games.