This channel is only for Pokemon fans, videos, musics and other things related to Pokemon. I do not Wi-fi battle so don't even bother asking me to battle you. Because I only use emulators ( I do not advertise emulators). I only accept YouTube users with Pokemon on their name, or videos about Pokemon. The first 5 users to add me w/o Pokemon on their name or picture is guaranteed to be accepted. I now do sub for sub.

Upcoming Walkthroughs:

- Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver (2010) when there is already English Version.

- Pokemon D/P
- Pokemon Platinum
- Pokemon Emerald/Ruby/Sapphire
- Ultimate Spiderman (GBA)
- Spider Man 3 (GbA)
- Pokemon FR/Lg

Put this in your account if you love anime!๑۩۩๑

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______♥♥♥_Michael Jackson_♥♥♥__